How far in advance should you book an interpreter or interpreting team?
The sooner the better! The Austrian interpreting market is small. Many interpreters are booked many months in advance and hence are not flexible in terms of scheduling. It may be difficult to staff an interpreting team with suitable personnel at short notice. If you are planning an event where interpretation should or must be provided, please book well in advance. We will be happy to organise interpreters for your event or to recommend suitable partners.
Can interpreters do translations and vice versa?
Basically yes, but no. Translating and interpreting are two completely different activities requiring different skills. Interpreters need to hear well and be able to quickly grasp what they hear to provide a concise oral translation of what has been said into the target language, ideally without omitting anything essential. This process does not hinge on individual words or strict accuracy. Translators, on the other hand, must translate a written text into the target language with utmost precision and accuracy, often spending a lot of time on finding the best translation for a single term in the given context; even with tight deadlines, the translator will always be able to do some research. Also, translations must be checked twice: once by the translator him/herself, once by an appropriately qualified reviser. For this reason, most language service providers specialise in either translation or interpreting services to achieve optimum results for their customers. Obviously, in rare cases, a language service provider may offer both types of language service at more or less the same quality level.